In the winter of 1820, the New England whaling ship Essex is assaulted by something no one could believe—a whale of mammoth size and will, and an almost human sense of vengeance.
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In the winter of 1820, the New England whaling ship Essex is assaulted by something no one could believe—a whale of mammoth size and will, and an almost human sense of vengeance.
Owen Chase
George Pollard
Matthew Joy
Old Thomas Nickerson
Herman Melville
Mrs. Nickerson
Young Thomas Nickerson
Thomas Chappel
Owen Coffin
Benjamin Lawrence
Barzallai Ray
Richard Peterson
William Bond
Isaac Cole
Pollard Senior
Paul Macy
Benjamin Fuller
Spanish Captain
Nantucket Townswoman
Customs Officer
Nantucket Townswoman
John Sanborn
Tally Woman
Sailor (uncredited)
Nantucket Child (uncredited)
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