The Glembays of Zagreb are a rich family cursed with tragedies and haunted by sinister past. Leone Glembay, a rebelious son of the family patriarch, is becoming disgusted with hypocrisy, perversion and crime that runs in the family.
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The Glembays of Zagreb are a rich family cursed with tragedies and haunted by sinister past. Leone Glembay, a rebelious son of the family patriarch, is becoming disgusted with hypocrisy, perversion and crime that runs in the family.
Leone Glembay
Barunica Castelli-Glembay
Ignjat Glembay
Angelika Glembay
Alojzije Silberbrandt
Puba Fabriczy
Titus Andronicus Fabriczy
Kamerdiner Frantz
Stara Barboczyjeva
Leoneova majka Daniellijeva
Dr. Altmann
Fanika Canjeg
Stariji gospodin
Leonov školski kolega
Balloczanski, baruničin prijatelj
Govornik pred uvaženim skupom
Gost na zabavi
Oliver Glembay
Gost na zabavi
Prodavac novina
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