The accidental unearthing of Satan’s earthly remains causes the children of a 17th-century English village to slowly convert into a coven of devil worshipers.
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The accidental unearthing of Satan’s earthly remains causes the children of a 17th-century English village to slowly convert into a coven of devil worshipers.
The Judge
Angel Blake
Ralph Gower
Cathy Vespers
Reverend Fallowfield
Ellen Vespers
Rosalind Barton
Peter Edmonton
Squire Middleton
The Doctor
Isobel Banham
Mark Vespers
Drinking Villager
Concerned Villager
The Devil (uncredited)
Mr. Blake (uncredited)
Dancing Girl (uncredited)
Ned Carter (uncredited)
Dog Handler (uncredited)
Satan's Skin - Opening Titles
Blood On Satan's Claw 1971
The Blood on Satan's Claw (1971)...
The Blood on Satan’s Claw • 1971...
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The Blood on Satan's Claw (1971)...
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