An episodic satire of the political and social status of Italy in the seventies, through the shows of one day of a television channel.
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An episodic satire of the political and social status of Italy in the seventies, through the shows of one day of a television channel.
Sig.ra Palese
Vladimiro Palese
Ispettore Tuttunpezzo / Allievo
Felicetto de li Caprettari
Paolo T. Fiume / Speaker
Generale / Menelao Guardiaferri
Professor Schmidt / Presentatore quiz
Valletto del Conclave
Sig. Macaluso
Cardinale Canareggio
Assistente di Paolo
Insegnante d'inglese
Commissario Pertinace
Cardinale Piazza-Colonna
Cardinale decano
Funzionario di polizia
Capitano La Pattuglia (uncredited)
Telecronista (uncredited)
Nocella, il piantone (uncredited)
Brigadiere (uncredited)
Alto prelato a Napoli (uncredited)
Telecronista (uncredited)
Droghiere (uncredited)
Game Show Audience Member (uncredited)
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